Queenie Sateen Interview with Romeo Mancini
Queenie Sateen Interview with Romeo Mancini


Romeo Mancini

What's up, you guys? Look who's here.

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

The beautiful Queenie Sateen. You're so beautiful.

Queenie Sateen

Thank you.

Romeo Mancini

How are you doing, Queenie?

Queenie Sateen

I'm good. I've been enjoying the day.

Romeo Mancini

Yeah? Mm-hmm. Finally, we get the chance to meet and to shoot.

Queenie Sateen

And chill. 

Romeo Mancini

Yeah, meet, chill, and shoot together.

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

I'm so excited. So, we're on set for BJRAW. So, you're gonna do some sucking.

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

How do you feel about that?

Queenie Sateen

I'm into it.

Romeo Mancini

Are you good?

Queenie Sateen

I am.

Romeo Mancini


Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

From one to ten, how would you rate yourself?

Queenie Sateen

I don't know. I don't want to oversell my abilities an eight and a half.

Romeo Mancini

Eight and a half.

Queenie Sateen

That's good.

Romeo Mancini

That's right.

Queenie Sateen

I would say solid. Yeah.

Romeo Mancini

I'm sure you are. Anyway, I mean, I'm excited anyway. Even if you said like fucking three, I was like, okay, well, fuck it.

Queenie Sateen

You get to fuck my pretty face.

Romeo Mancini


Queenie Sateen

Oh, my God.

Romeo Mancini

Your face is so pretty.

Queenie Sateen

Thank you.

Romeo Mancini

It's so fuckable. I can't wait. How long have you been in the industry?

Queenie Sateen

Not very long. This is my ninth scene.

Romeo Mancini

Awesome. So, you're keeping track.

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

That's awesome. You should. You should keep track.

Queenie Sateen

I try to.

Romeo Mancini

That's awesome. So, ninth scene. So, you're pretty new.

So far, so good. How do you like it?

Queenie Sateen

I love it. I love it. I mean, I've always been a performer.

So, for me, it's just another aspect of like art and performing and I fucking love it.

Romeo Mancini

Can we tell our members that you were a singer before?

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

Or I mean before.

Queenie Sateen

I'm a singer.

Romeo Mancini

You're still a singer.

Queenie Sateen

I currently have a whole other career, which is a music career, and I've had my band for a while and yeah, still making music with my band, but also just venturing into a new avenue of this new career, which is exciting.

Romeo Mancini

What kind of music?

Queenie Sateen

It's like disco music, like fun dance music.

Romeo Mancini


Queenie Sateen

Like disco and house had a baby.

Romeo Mancini

Dude, I'm like fucking, when they say that New York people are like cooler, they're right. It's nothing. I mean, like, you know, it's so fucking cool.

Queenie Sateen

This is a little disco-y.

Romeo Mancini

Yeah. Well, I mean, like, look at that, you guys. Nobody's looking at the bikini, but- 

Queenie Sateen

It's true.

Romeo Mancini


Queenie Sateen

There's not very much of it.

Romeo Mancini

Everybody's distracted now.

Queenie Sateen

There's not very much fabric.

Romeo Mancini

Right? Yeah. Enough to cover the nipple, just like nipple check.

Queenie Sateen

Just enough.

Romeo Mancini

Just enough. Just enough. So what's your goal? What's your dream in the industry? Is there anything?

Queenie Sateen

That's a great question.

Romeo Mancini

Or are you just like cruising? You know what I mean? It's fine, you know?

Queenie Sateen

I'm vibing. No, I honestly, like, I just want to be as good of a performer in this new medium as possible. 

So I'm just, right now, I feel like I'm just trying to learn and just get as much, sponge up as much information and knowledge as possible, and I'd like to direct.

Romeo Mancini

I feel this is like a challenge with ourselves more than, you know, compare ourselves to other performers. That's why, you know, like, yeah, we can have people like other performers that we look up, you know, during our career. But this is like a personal, like, path that we take, you know, so we're challenging, you know, ourself to be better at many things, you know, that performing requires, right?

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

So it's exciting. It's an exciting, you know, career.

Queenie Sateen

It's fun

Romeo Mancini

So I'm sure you're gonna be great.

Queenie Sateen

I love, I love sex, you know, I love to perform. I love to be in hair and makeup and outfits and, you know, it's, it's something that I've always loved and it's just like a fun new way of expressing that.

Romeo Mancini

It's a different way to be on stage.

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

But it's pretty much the same.

Queenie Sateen

I mean, instead of a stage, it's a bed or couch.

Romeo Mancini

But I'm pretty, maybe I'm wrong, but I guess before you walk on stage, you become that, like another person, you know, like you become like Queenie Sateen, you know, so probably it's very similar, you know, when the camera is off and when the camera is on, you're ready, you know.

Queenie Sateen

Yeah. A performer is a performer, you know, you know how to turn it on. I mean, if you do, if you do, you do.

Romeo Mancini

Yeah. Well, it's not for everybody, you guys.

Queenie Sateen


Romeo Mancini

It's natural selection, you know, so whatever, whatever you hear out there, like, you know, from some like sore loser, you know, this is not for everybody. It's not for everybody. If you got into this industry and you lasted like a month or two, either you didn't want it enough or maybe it wasn't for you.

And that's not bad at all.

Queenie Sateen

It's ok, not everything has to be for everyone.


Romeo Mancini

Yeah. Knowing if it's for you or not, that's fucking, you know, that's great. So you can move on and do something else.

Queenie Sateen



Romeo Mancini

All right. Well, now let's focus on that mouth and you guys, I'm so excited.

Well, you got to stay tuned, but before we go to the fun part, what's your Instagram? What's your Twitter?

Queenie Sateen

My Instagram is @missqueenieXOX, I think.

Romeo Mancini

She thinks. She thinks too. Yes. She's not a beautiful, she's not just a beautiful, she thinks too.

Queenie Sateen

I do have a couple of brain cells in there.

Romeo Mancini

Awesome. Left.

Queenie Sateen

Yeah. Yeah. Most of them have been fucked out of me, but there's maybe two or three left.

Romeo Mancini

And what about Twitter? Do you got a new one?

Queenie Sateen

I do have a new Twitter. My new Twitter is at Queenie Sateen. Q-U-E-E-N-I-E-S-A-T-E-E-N.

Romeo Mancini

You guys follow her, spoiler, you have an Amazon wishlist yet?

Queenie Sateen

I do. There's a jamon iberico on it. I have a jacuzzi on it. My wishlist is lit. My birthday is tomorrow.

Romeo Mancini

Yo, yo, yo, yo, you need to chill. You just said like, the first two things you said, they were like fucking nine grand. I was like, I was going to say she has a new place, so she needs some like, you know, cute stuff for her place.

Queenie Sateen

It's true.

Romeo Mancini

But I wasn't expecting a fucking, like a ham.

Queenie Sateen

A thousand dollar ham.

Romeo Mancini

Like a brosciutto and a fucking jacuzzi. But I would love to be honest, if you guys buy that, I would love to eat fucking brosciutto.

Queenie Sateen

I'm going to have a party if someone gets that for me, you know it.

Romeo Mancini

So we're going to be like eating fucking a thousand dollar brosciutto in the jacuzzi.

Queenie Sateen

Exactly. It had to be together.

Romeo Mancini

Yeah, for sure. Well, you guys, spoiler alert, tomorrow she turns 22. You cannot, you guys cannot know her age, but she's beautiful.

She's young. And so, spoiler, happy birthday.

Queenie Sateen

Thank you.

Romeo Mancini

Bye beautiful.

Queenie Sateen
