Bunny Madison Interview with Daniel Smith
Bunny Madison Interview with Daniel Smith


Daniel Smith

Oh my gosh, who do we have here?

Bunny Madison

Bunny Madison 

Daniel Smith

Bunny Madison.Wow, you look fucking amazing. We're gonna touch up your lips right now 

Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith

this is like the real go for it. Don't let me get in your way Yeah, this is like the legit real behind the scenes So you're gonna get fucked in the ass 

Bunny Madison

I am 

Daniel Smith

what do you think about that?

Bunny Madison

I can't wait 

Daniel Smith

really? You like to get fucked in the ass.

Bunny Madison

I do.

Daniel Smith

Yeah, good. I feel like i'm distracting you. Sorry 

Yeah Wait, so, uh, can we see your ass since you're gonna get fucked in your ass?

Oh my god, jesus christ Look at this. Oh my god Here let's pull this over the side. I think people would want to see your beautiful asshole 

Jesus christ Wow, that's beautiful and your pussy's completely shaved. 

Let's see turn around Wow Wow jesus So are you excited to become a Yes Girl?

Bunny Madison

I'm so excited. Yeah.

Daniel Smith

Are you? Yeah, look at this Look at all these options you have... you came like prepared galore 

Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith

and Most people may not even know what this is. Do you do you want to share with what this is? this is like real this is like real legit

Bunny Madison

It's just mouthwash. i'm just kidding. It's a douche.

Daniel Smith

So douche and? 

Bunny Madison

an enema because we are having anal sex.

Daniel Smith

that's right Yeah, that's like that's what it's about. see, people don't see this kind of shit like they want to see like the bags and like what you bring.

Bunny Madison

all the secrets.

Daniel Smith

Yeah, all the secrets. Yeah, let's see. Let's see your tits are big enough secrets Oh, wow, those are beautiful. What size are those?

Bunny Madison

34 double d.

Daniel Smith

Wow Those are like those are actually really good those are like perfect. 

Bunny Madison

Thank you 

Daniel Smith

Do you have like a favorite body part of you or a favorite any like I really love my ...?

Bunny Madison

Probably my butt 

Daniel Smith


Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith

your butt. Well, that makes sense And you like to take it in the butt, 

Bunny Madison

of course 

Daniel Smith

Do you have a favorite thing you like to do when you're getting fucked or is there anything?

Bunny Madison

I like to just Kind of get lost in the moment and enjoy it.

Daniel Smith

Really? Yeah, you just like go with it 

Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith

I think that's the best part and you're actually new to porn 

Bunny Madison

very new 

Daniel Smith

how new? 

Bunny Madison

brand new .... about a month and a half 

Daniel Smith

Month and a half? Jesus christ. Wait, are you nervous? Like when like someone like sticks a camera in your head like this? 

Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith


Bunny Madison

Yeah, you get used to it 

Daniel Smith

Yeah, you're used to it but a month and a half in porn Wow, that's great. So you did you must have like fucking before that ?

Bunny Madison

of course 

Daniel Smith

like in your personal life. But like when you get fucked in porn, is it like okay i'm satisfied So like in my personal life, I don't really need to or like how does that work? 

Bunny Madison

Uh depends on the day 

Daniel Smith

Yeah, sometimes you get really horny 

Bunny Madison

some days i'm quite satisfied some days I'm more sexually frustrated than when I showed up to set

Daniel Smith

So then you just like bang yourself or you find a dude to fuck 

Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith

that's fun I can't imagine some guy walks in your place and sees you as like yeah That's fun. And you have dimples 

Bunny Madison


Daniel Smith

Very cute. Well, we can't wait to see all of you including your asshole get fucked today. 

Bunny Madison

Can't wait. 

Daniel Smith

Yay. Okay. Bye 

Bunny Madison
